Member-only story
The daily news is just numbers, statistics, to be more precise. Statistics of the day’s or month’s Covid-19 cases, of those deceased, hospitalised, infected, or random information of a road or plane accident…
Who knew one day we’d be breathing borrowed air…Who knew one day we’d be buying something as basic as oxygen?!…Oh what has the world come to?!…Is it something we did?!…Is this some sort of punishment?!.I feel we’ve been scalped enough!
You hear it on the news, over the radio, read it in the paper, see it on social media or even in the gossip corridors. And that time they’re only numbers to you. They do not make any sense…well, maybe they do, because you can understand and interpret them. Or maybe they help you get content for a conversation, or business prospects.
But until one day…
You or a person you know is affected…then the statement ‘you may one day be a statistic’ comes to life. Forget about the statistic you are in the census or your country’s elections register… The kind that we laugh about or rejoice if our candidate wins. This is the real statistics, and one you don’t want to be part of, one that…