“Don’t ever diminish the power of words. Words move hearts and hearts move limbs.” -Hamza Yusuf

The Super Power of Words

Careful What You Choose to Say, Words can cause a world war.



We have all the alphabets at our disposal and the liberty to choose which letters to use when communicating. The question is, which ones do you choose? Do you know that your choice culminates to something that holds so much power? That is, words…
They can make or break; a heart or marriage, they can demotivate, help, harm or protect.
Words can heal…why do you think we go to shrinks?!

Words can kill, cause murder or suicide; Literally, emotionally, mentally, spiritually…
Words have the power to trigger various reactions courtesy of unconsciously deep-rooted feelings, emotions and past loss and trauma. Because they speak to the subconscious and solidify one’s perceptions about the world or self.

Words can cause a revolution…for how did Martin Luther King Jr. and President Obama win the hearts of many, aren’t their amazing speech capabilities one of their weapons?

When you listen to their speeches, don’t they just take you in, make you believe in what they say, and make you want to be part of the change, part of their revolution, part of whatever it is they are doing…whether you know what it is or not….

“No matter what anybody tells you, words and ideas can change the world.” -John Keating

“Sweet words take the snake out of the cave’, said my kinsmen
I am inclined to believe they were wise…they knew what they meant…they saw beyond the shallow interpretation of just the spoken consonants and vowels….read in between the lines…
They knew the power of words

“Handle them carefully, for words have more power than atom bombs.” -Pearl Strachan Hurd

Words are powerful,
You see…What you say to your subordinates, kids, colleagues, friends, spouse, strangers…
…Sticks with them for life…
It shapes their thoughts, actions and beliefs about the world and themselves.
It can make them hopeless or hopeful, happy or sad, productive or demotivated…
In the end, it affects every aspect of their life, and sometimes they don’t have the power to change that because it is unconscious.

Photo by DESIGNECOLOGIST on Unsplash

“Be mindful when it comes to your words. A string of some that don’t mean much to you may stick with someone else for a lifetime.” -Rachel Wolchin

You may not know what they’ve just gone through,
You may not know what’s going on in their mind,
You may not know what underlying turmoil they get when you speak.

Words amplify...
They can be just what one needs to help them achieve a milestone…
They may be what makes or breaks them
Or the last nail on the coffin of doom, despair or giving up…

I daresay…words can make or break…
Words cut so deep into the soul.
Even the greatest men of all times can weaken, thanks to words.

“One kind word can change someone’s entire day.” -Unknown

Choose your words wisely…
Say what you mean, mean what you say…
Say words that uplift and bring sunshine…
Say kind words to people…

“Kind words can be short and easy to speak, but their echoes are truly endless.” -Mother Teresa

Words are the world’s undoing…
Why did the biblical Adam take the apple?… They were told something.
And look what the words brought…
The origin of sin!
Our biggest undoing!
The epitome of existence and reason for various actions and ethics that dictate the ways of life for many; their values, beliefs and principles.
Words can break even the strongest of men
Words can cause a war, a pandemic…Yes, Think about it for a moment…
Words can build or destroy our world.

Choose your words wisely…
Decide if you want to be the one who makes or breaks someone.




I see extra in the ordinary & use words to paint it; fueled by a quest for mental health. Lover of forests, fitness, nature, good food & reading & a coffee snob