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Banking | Sales | Career | Corporate jobs
No, we didn’t turn into zombies, clowns or walking dead. But sometimes we did or it felt so…
It was bitter-sweet, Sweat & Blood, fun & tears, highs & lows, rough terrains-smooth terrainS…but very fulfilling in the end
To make matters worse, I was a salesperson and a relationship manager (RM). Don’t get me started on the chronicles and madness of a day in the life of a bank RM, oh I could write a whole book! And I was selling mortgages, selling mortgages in Kenya ain’t easy.
But at the end of the day, it was fulfilling, the pressure was worth it…
A sale closed, a deal lost, a pipeline that “Drunk water”, a pipeline in flight, a happy customer, an unhappy one, difficult days, easypeasy days, scandals, security investigations & threats, audits, fraud cases, sales meetings, etc…
At the end of the day, what did it for me was that there was a customer smiling; either because they finally got a loan to pay that medical bill, wedding, business, or school fees. Their life got elevated in some way, they got advise on how to plan for owning a house in a few years time, they got a good FX (forex exchange) rate, a student or…